Thursday, 27 September 2012

Circles - week 3

printing with shapes and good old potatoes!
The third week of the circle project found us printing using different techniques. These will be incorporated into the large this space!!
more circle printing

using polysytrene to print circles with

a successful print

the first print

inking up

mixing colours

Monday, 17 September 2012

expanding circles

Into the second week of the circle project, the children were cutting up the circles they had painted last week, into quarters. They then swapped pieces with each other and began to construct new circles.

They experimented with the new circles to see how they worked on different coloured backgrounds, before glueing down.
stage two........


Monday, 10 September 2012


drawing around objects to create the circles
This week we were exploring colour and particular circles. This was the first week of a series of 2D workshops, working towards a finished collaborative piece.
experimenting with colour
The classes will lead the direction of the workshops for the following sessions, thinking about different processes and techniques that they could use to explore the circle theme.
almost there!
stage one complete!

New term - new ideas!

Beautifully observed drawing by one of our younger artists
The new term of Balfron ArtWorks kicked off on the 1st of September with some beautiful drawings and paintings of leaves and flowers from the garden.

Working together on large paper the classes explored form, texture, colour and pattern.
Collaborative leaf painting
We have added an extra class this term, bringing us up to four classes each Saturday morning. It's been good to see old faces as well as welcoming lots of new ones too!
Exploring texture and form through charcoal drawing